Join the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club on their Monday night ride.
Monday Evening Ride departs from the Texas Drive Park. There are typically four ride groups, listed below, which should provide ride paces to suit abilities of all riders. The first two rides listed are “no drop” rides.
15-20 mile group at 12-15 mph (Schoolcraft Ride); recommended for riders who are learning how to ride in groups.
25-30 mile group at 16-17 mph average (Lawton V Ride; RideWithGPS map of route is at this link). This ride is recommended for experienced riders who want to ride on hillier terrain.
25-30 mile group at 17-18 mph (Schoolcraft Ride); recommended for riders who are used to riding in groups and who want to ride over flatter terrain.
25-30 mile group at 20-22 mph average (Lawton W Ride; RideWithGPS map of route is at this link). This ride is recommended for more experienced riders who want to ride faster and on hillier terrain.
25-30 mile group at 22+ mph average; clearly for more experienced riders who want to ride (even) faster and on hillier terrain.