Kalamazoo Area Bike Week celebrates the many benefits and joys of bicycling in our greater community. It starts on the Saturday before Mothers Day and runs through the following Saturday. In 2025, Bike Week is May 10-17. Plus, May is National Bike Month, and includes Bike to Work Week and Bike to Work Day! Organizing Bike Week ramps up in January.

Bike Week underscoreS the role bicycling plays in building economically strong AND Physically & MENTALLY HEALTHY communities. Its value IS greater than any one event. OUR message for bicyclists and motorists alike is to ENJOY Life by practicing the golden rule WHILE following the rules of the road. We’RE in this together.

People are bicycling for fun, for basic transportation and to stay fit & healthy in greater numbers than ever. KBW includes many group events — others can be enjoyed with friends, solo or virtually. Many events show what our diverse and vibrant bicycling community offers throughout the year.

We start posting the current year’s events to the calendar in April. Scroll through the calendar (below) or further down this page to check them out. By late April and early May, new Events and Announcements are updated almost daily — so stay tuned. Interested in featuring an event? Check out the Organizer Info page for more information.

Best wishes for safe and happy bicycling during Bike Week and throughout the year!

This site is for general informational and educational purposes. Descriptions may not include important details or last minute changes, so please contact the organizers directly. Health advisories are on our Announcements page.

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All-Bike Open House at Boatyard Brewing

  • Boatyard Brewing 432 E. Patterson Street Kalamazoo, MI 49007 USA (map)

The Kalamazoo Bicycle Club will host - and invites the public and everyone affiliated with the area’s many bicycle-related organizations - to an “All-Bike Open House” on May 14, 2019 at Boatyard Brewing. The meeting will be a forum to introduce the public to many of the area’s top bicycling-related groups, who will present information on their activities and services. Local bike clubs, shops, community service organizations and bicycle advocacy groups will be there to tell their stories in person. Come and enjoy the informational session, learn about all the bicycling opportunities available to us here in the Kalamazoo area, and sample Boatyard’s special brew for the occasion. Everyone affiliated with these groups will not want to miss this fun “mini-expo,” as well as anyone who wants to learn more.

Sponsor: Kalamazoo Bicycle Club

Cost/Fees: Free admission

For more information, please contact: Thom Brennan; tmbaam@yahoo.com; (269)-365-8139

You are invited to learn more about each of these fine organizations directly from their spokespersons:
AMBUCS - Donna Whitcomb
Bike Friendly Kalamazoo/Kalamazoo Bike Week - Paul Selden
Bronson Bike2Work - Paul Guthrie
Chain Gang - Paul Runnels
Discover Kalamazoo - Shaun Ballard
Friends of KRVT - Larry Stehouwer
JustRIDE at JustMOVE Fitness - Christine Augustine
Kalamazoo Bicycle Club - Doug Kirk
Kzoo Swift - Ryan Barber
Open Roads Bike Program - Dave Brown/Erin Denay
Pedal Bicycle - Tim Krone
Southwest Michigan Mountain Biking Association - Dan Warnaar
Trikats - Cara Smith
Village Cyclery - Chandler Garrison
Zoo City Cycle & Sport - Rick Lee

All are welcome - minors must be accompanied by an adult.

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