Our main presenters will highlight major plans for bicycling in our community in a virtual session, including (in alphabetical order):
Bill Adams - President, Village of Vicksburg - Vicksburg’s Bike Friendly Plans
James Baker - Director of Public Works, City of Kalamazoo - Protected Bike Lanes: Engineering Considerations
Kathleen Hoyle - Director of Parks, Recreation and Senior Services, City of Portage - Bicycling’s Role in Community Building
David Rachowicz - Director of Parks and Recreation, Kalamazoo County - KRVT: Making Connections
Brian Sanada - Transportation Planner, Michigan Department of Transportation - Bicycling: MDOT’s Plans & Actions
This year’s theme is “Connecting & Building Communities.” You won’t want to miss their thoughts on a variety of important topics.
Registration (Required): RSVP on/by May 11 here to pre-register. Access instructions will be emailed the week of the event.
Sponsors: Bike Friendly Kalamazoo (BFK) and the Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study (KATS) are hosting this Bike Week community event.
Event website: http://katsmpo.org/2020/03/17/bike-week-2020-event-registration/
Cost/Fees: Free
For more information, see the Event website or call Megan Mickelson at KATS: (269) 343-0766
Public is welcome!