Attention event organizers and organizations with bike-related announcements…
To make a bike-related announcement or organize an event during Bike Week that KBW can help you promote (at no cost), please contact Paul Selden at
March 31. We may be able to accommodate additional events and announcements up until March 31, 2019, when our Website Event and Media Release Form is due (print media cutoff date). After March 31, we still may be able to get you on to KBW’s on-line events calendar.
Second Friday in April: Deadline for events to be promoted in Bike Week’s media releases on your behalf.
We’d love to welcome you on board! Learn more by taking advantage of the links below.
Organizer Information. Click for a summary of information for event organizers (from our October 2018 planning session, in the form of meeting notes).
Ideas for Bike Week. Click for a list of ideas for Bike Week plus an organizer contact directory (to be expanded over time).
Background. Click for a summary that provides additional background (from our September 2018 planning session).
Facebook Support / Co-Hosting (NEW FOR KBW 2019!)
We may be able to help you get the word out about Events that you post on your own Facebook pages, via what Facebook calls co-hosting. However, we don’t want to complicate the picture as to who is the actual Organizer. You are!
Who keeps track? Organizers do! If we serve as a so-called Facebook co-host, among other things, we won’t activate features that allow viewers to register for, express an interest in, say they will be attending, etc. on our own Facebook pages. If you want to track that sort of thing on your own Facebook page, please do!
Who is responsible (and, yep, “liable”) for the Events? It’s the Organizers again. KBW helps educate and inform, but does not organize KBW events. That said, we would be happy to be added to your event as a Facebook "co-host" for purposes of spreading the word. We know that might help you reach a broader audience! In order for us to accept your Facebook co-hosting request, it’s always with the clear understanding that the Organizer releases Kalamazoo Bike Week from liability and responsibility for running your event. If you send us a Facebook co-hosting request, based on our judgment, we may require you to include the following language in the body of your event description before accepting such requests: "The link to this [Event Organizer’s website] is intended for general informational purposes only. Kalamazoo Bike Week (KBW) is not associated as a co-host, partner or other affiliate of the Event Organizer, and KBW in no way assumes the risks and liabilities related to the information provided or the events described therein.” Once we see that (or whatever statement we may require at the time) is included, we can gladly accept your request to be added as a Facebook co-host! No matter what we decide in each specific case, if we accept your request to be added as a Facebook co-host for your event, we don’t accept any liability related to your event or responsibility for how it is run, the weather that day or how successful you believe it was. We’re smiling as we write this, but in this day and age, you bet we’re serious. Please understand that we want to be helpful but need to draw the line.
Please let us know if you have any questions or ideas. We are looking forward to helping spread the news of your event!
Keep your eye on this page for additional updates.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.
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